The Truth About The Earth Runs Deeper Than Science

In a fast-paced world racing to compete in modernity and progress, Aseem Shrivastava, Delhi-based writer, teacher and ecological thinker, advocates a different approach to that of most economists. Shrivastava did both his bachelors and masters degree in economics; by the time he had completed his doctorate in environmental economics from the University of Massachusetts, Amherst,… Continue reading The Truth About The Earth Runs Deeper Than Science

A Reverence For The Transparent Sharing Of Grameen Knowledge

All of us remember the thinnais or aangans of our childhood. A space in time where one could feel the cool breeze in hot summers, and also a place to rest for a weary traveller. Dheeraj Annapureddy is a fellow at the Center for Embodied Knowledge and brings to us the value of these places… Continue reading A Reverence For The Transparent Sharing Of Grameen Knowledge

Live In A Village To Know The Earth

Mayank Ale was city-bred in Hyderabad but in his college days became environmentally concious and developed an abiding love for local agricultural activities. His vision is to create green spaces for children, where they can nurture their creative selves while learning how to co-exist with nature through agriculture. His advice to motivating young explorers is… Continue reading Live In A Village To Know The Earth